Saturday, October 6, 2012

"The Magic Million"

Last week the students of Mustang Creek accepted my challenge to read one million minutes during the 2012-2013 school year in exchange for a radical stunt performed by Mrs. Suffield and me.  What is the radical stunt, you ask?  Well, students spent last week writing persuasive essays describing what they believe to be the most outrageous, humiliating, and humorous acts that will motivate 770 kids to read.  The top three essays, judged by Mr. Wilson and Mr. Suffield, will be voted on by the student body next week.  Students from kindergarten through fifth grade entered the “Magic Million” essay contest.  Some of their creative and persuasive ideas included: jumping from an airplane, kissing all sorts of barnyard animals and reptiles, sumo wrestling, eating a variety of disgusting concoctions, sleeping on the roof, and wearing featherless chicken costumes. 
Research suggests that there is a direct link between high academic achievement and minutes read.  Students MUST read at home.  If our students read 30 minutes a night, 4 times per week, in just one week our school will have read over 92,000 minutes.  In 27 weeks, Mustang Creek could easily achieve 2,494,800 minutes read.  That’s well over our one million minute target.  Each class has set a class-wide goal.  I know that several classes are engaging in healthy competitions among their grade level.  Ask your child what the goal is for his/her classroom, help your child set a personal goal, and assist in keeping track of the minutes read at home.
What are the reading parameters?  There are none.   Just read.  Students can read a book, a magazine, a blog, a list…whatever.  My only rule is that they must actively read and record their minutes.  Did you know that one of the best ways to get kids to read is for you to read?  You must model a love for reading.  Take them to the library and share your favorite books with them.  I encourage you to join our “Magic Million” challenge.  Turn off the television and READ!
Do you want to be a millionaire?     

1 comment:

  1. I am really glad to read it and being able to share my thoughts on it. I want to use this opportunity to say that I really love this blog. It is an amazing resource of information for my working. Thank you so much.
